Tuesday, April 27, 2021

I need to force myself to write

 I used to write a lot. I have a long history of e-blogging. Xanga, Livejournal, Blogger, etc. And I think even if I am the only one who ever sees these things, it makes me feel better about the world around me. It helps me release my frustrations and work out my issues. 

COVID, Black Lives Matter, AAPI attacks, trans attacks, it's all so much. 

I need to be better about talking on here. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wearing A Mask To Reduce The Spread Of Coronavirus Will Not Give You Carbon Dioxide Poisoning



This page is more of a journal really. I have an older blogger but I decided to start anew. We're in the age of COIVD-19 and I am feeling the need to talk, vent and bitch. I just turned 35 and am watching the economy collapse AGAIN due to Republican bullshit. 

Buckle up if you want to read on. I have no plans to hold back. 

I need to force myself to write

 I used to write a lot. I have a long history of e-blogging. Xanga, Livejournal, Blogger, etc. And I think even if I am the only one who eve...